Brazilian classical guitarist Carlos Bica, settled in Spain since 2017, is firmly established internationally as an important soloist, recitalist and chamber musician. He develops an intense activity as an interpreter in the countries of Latin America and Europe. He is a great researcher of the history and repertoire of his instrument. He recorded CDs and DVDs with works by the most important Latin American composers and composers of Renaissance and Romantic music throughout America and for various labels. He was soloist in the Brazilian Philharmonic Orchestra. He performed innumerable multimedia recitals, as a soloist and chamber musician, combining arts such as dance, painting and poetry with music. His programs, always innovative, are in a unique position among today's concert guitarists. On the one hand, through his artistic vision, which belongs to the "old school", he is faithful to the original work and uncompromising in his search for truth in music. Likewise, his widespread success has brought his recognition far beyond the world of the guitar.
His international tours have taken him to some of the most important musical institutions. The Cecilia Meireles Hall in Rio de Janeiro, the Colón Theater and the Kichner Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, the São Pedro Theater in Porto Alegre, the ‘1 de Mayo’ Theater in Santa Fé, the Almagro Theater in Spain, the Sarria Church in Barcelona, the Church of Santiago in Madrid, the Church of San Sebastián in Toledo, the Eutherpe Foundation in León, the Pedro Almodóvar Auditorium in Puertollano, the Niemeyer center in Asturias, the Brazilian embassy in Paris, among others. He premiered works such as ‘Toccata 1’, by Fernando Mattos, ‘A Velha Nogueira’, by James Liberato, written for flute, guitar, double bass and cello, and ‘Eu não sou de ninguém’ by Cyro Delvizio for guitar and soprano. He participated in various government music projects, including ‘Musica al mediodía’, from the São Pedro Theater, Reopening of the Porto Alegre Public Market, and was the soloist for the Wine of Honor for Consul Iñigo de Palacio España. He obtained the Lupicínio Rodrigues medal, awarded by the secretary of culture of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through the dissemination of works written for classical guitar in Brazil. He is currently developing chamber music works with the guitar and singing duo with the soprano Rosana Schiavi, based in Spain. The BicaSchiavi duo recorded their debut CD, An Die Musik in 2016. In addition, as a guitar soloist, they recorded their first Latin contemporary album with pieces by Latin American composers. In 2004, he recorded a DVD at the São Pedro Theater with works by the composers Luis de Narváez, Isaac Albéniz and Heitor Villa-Lobos. In the same year, he recorded another DVD with the composer Rached Karketi in Hamburg, Germany.
He studied guitar with the Argentinian guitarist Eduardo Castañera and musical analysis and interpretation with the Brazilian composer Flavio Oliveira. He obtained his habilitation as a teacher and soloist certified by the Order of Musicians of Brazil in 1994. He was awarded the Lupicinio Rodrigues medal from the Brazilian government for his work to disseminate Brazilian Music, in 2001. He participated in master classes with guitarists of different nationalities, among them, the Uruguayans Eduardo Fernández, Alvaro Pierri and Abel Carlevaro, the German Frank Bungarten, the Argentine Eduardo Isaac and the Italian Flávio Sala, among others.
He was a professor at the main conservatories in Brazil, including the Verdi Conservatory and the Amadeus Conservatory, where he was director of the classical guitar chair. He worked at the Batuta Cultura Musical School of Music, at the Catholic University of Santa Cruz and at the Municipal Conservatory of Porto Velho Rondonia. He was the founder of the Orphenica Lira Guitar Quartet, made up of his students.

El Guitarrista Clásico brasileño Carlos Bica, arraigado en España desde 2017, está firmemente establecido internacionalmente como un importante solista, recitalista y músico de cámara. Es un gran investigador de la historia y repertorio de su instrumento, grabó CDs y DVDs con obras de los compositores más importantes de América Latina y compositores de la música renacentista y romántica por América y para diversos sellos. Sostuvo innumerables recitales multimedia, como solista y músico de cámara, conjugando artes como la danza, la pintura y la poesía a la música, sus programas siempre inquietantes e innovadores, se encuentra en una posición única entre los guitarristas de concierto de hoy. Por un lado, a través de su postura artística, que pertenece a 'vieja escuela', fiel a la obra original e inflexibles en su búsqueda de la verdad en la música., Asi mismo , su amplio éxito ha traído el reconocimiento mucho más allá de los confines del mundo de la guitarra.
Sus giras internacionales lo han llevado a algunos de los centros musicales más importantes. Destaca la Sala Cecilia Meireles en Río de Janeiro, el Teatro Colon y el Centro Cultural Kichner en Buenos Aires, el Teatro Sao Pedro en Porto Alegre, el Teatro 1 de mayo en Santa Fé, El Teatro de Almagro en España, la Iglesia Sarria en Barcelona, la iglesia de Santiago en Madrid, la Iglesia San Sebastián en Toledo, La Fundación Eutherpe de León, el Centro Cultural Niemeyer de Asturias, la Embajada de Brasil en Paris y otros. Hizo el estreno de obras como Toccata 1, de Fernando Mattos, A Velha Nogueira, de James Liberato escritas para flauta, guitarra, contrabajo y celo y Eu nao sou de ninguém de Cyro Delvizio para guitarra y soprano.
Actualmente desarrolla obras de música de cámara con el duo de guitarra y canto con la soprano Rosana Schiavi, Duo radicado en España. El dúo BicaSchiavi Grabó su CD debut, An Die Musik en 2016. Como solista de guitarra grabó su primer álbum, Contemporáneo Latino con piezas de compositores latinoamericanos. En 2004, grabó SU DVD en el Teatro San Pedro con obras de los compositores Luis de Narváez, Isaac Albéniz y Heitor Villa-Lobos. En el mismo año, grabó DVD con el compositor Rached Karketi, Hamburgo / Alemania.
Estudió guitarra con el guitarrista argentino Eduardo Castañera y análisis musical e interpretación con el compositor brasileño Flavio Oliveira, obtuvo su habilitación como profesor y concertista certificada por la Orden de los Músicos de Brasil en 1994, fue laureado la medalla Lupicinio Rodrigues del gobierno de Brasil por su trabajo de divulgación de la Música Brasileña, en 2001. Participó en clases magistrales con guitarristas de diferentes nacionalidades, entre ellos, los uruguayos Eduardo Fernández, Alvaro Pierri y Abel Carlevaro, el alemán Frank Bungarten, el argentino EduardoIsaac y el Italiano Flávio Sala, entre otros.
Fue profesor en los principales conservatorios de Brasil, entre ellos Conservatorio Verdi y conservatorio Amadeus donde fue director de la cátedra de guitarra clásica. Trabajó en la Escuela de Música Batuta Cultura Musical, en la Universidad Católica de Santa Cruz y en el conservatorio Municipal de Porto Velho Rondonia. Fue fundador del Cuarteto de guitarras Orphenica Lira, integrado el mismo por sus alumnos.